Offering Individualized

Educational Programs For K-12 Students


Bar graphs plastic building blocks toy bricks on yellow background.

Surging Autism Diagnoses

September 26, 2023
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  Meeting the Growing Demand for Autism-Specific Education and Services with the Autism Academy for Education and Development (AAED) By Anthony KaDarrell Thigpen   Over the past decade, the world has witnessed a significant surge in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This spike in diagnoses has highlighted the pressing need for specialized education…

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IDEA, FAPE, MET, IEP - Special Education

Special Education? Everything You Need To Know!

December 1, 2022
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Special Education Day is on December 2!  On December 2, 1974, President Gerald Ford signed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act into law. This law, also known as IDEA, effectively created special education as we know it today. This law spelled out the rights of children with disabilities and the rights of their parents as…

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Sensory Processing Awareness Month

Sensory Processing Awareness Month

October 13, 2022
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October marks Sensory Processing Awareness Month. This month is all about recognizing and supporting the 1 out of every 20 people with unique sensory needs around the world. Here at Autism Academy we know that all of our students need some kind of sensory support throughout the day.  So what exactly is sensory processing?  Starting…

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10 year anniversary

10 Years Of Putting Kids First In Every Decision

September 8, 2022
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This school year kicks off our 10th academic year! Opened in 2013, we welcomed just 24 students and 4 teachers. Since then, we’ve grown to over 640 students and 56 teachers. Our campuses offer a wide variety of classroom programs for students in Kindergarten – 12th grade and beyond. Our specialized supports are able to…

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Voices Of Autism

AAED Student – Voices Of Autism

April 8, 2022
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Today is Autism Awareness Day. As many of you know, I have autism myself, as I am on the spectrum with high-functioning Asperger’s Syndrome. I’d like to talk about autism, how it’s changed my life, and what I’ve learned about it. Being autistic has largely made me not normal in life although I seem normal…

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Choose a School for Children With Autism

How to Choose a School for Children With Autism

November 29, 2021
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How to Choose a School for Children With Autism Read Testimonials Finding the right school for any child can be a daunting task, especially if that child is on the spectrum. If you’ve made the decision to go with an adapted school as opposed to a mainstream school, you may be wondering where to start…

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Look at Our Program For Autism

A Look at Our Program For Autism

November 29, 2021
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Improve Lives With Autism Academy Learn More About Us   Are you looking for reliable educational programs for your child with autism and want to make sure you make the right choice for your child’s future? Learn more about AAED and why we can be the right choice for your child. Autism Academy specializes in…

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Autism Student Four Building Blocks

Autism Academy’s Four Building Blocks

November 10, 2021
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Our Philosophy on Education for Autism Read Testimonials When it comes to education for autism, Autism Academy has a foundation deeply rooted in providing students, families, and their communities with valuable resources that assist children on the spectrum become successful in academics, relationships, and everyday lives. Each one of our four foundational Building Blocks was…

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The right school for your child with autism

Four Things to Know About Our School For Autism

November 8, 2021
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Autism Academy’s Difference Learn About Enrollment Finding the right school for your child with autism can be a difficult task. Specialized schools for autism are few and far between, and finding one that is accessible, has the resources your child needs, and highly trained staff can feel impossible. Autism Academy believes that all children with…

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Deciding which school for autism your child

What to Consider When Choosing Between Autism Schools

September 1, 2021
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Deciding which school for autism your child goes to can be daunting. Because of the nature of ASD, it’s common for parents to feel anxious when trying to make the right decision. Every autistic kid has their own unique needs and requirements. As a parent, you’d want to make sure that your child’s unique needs…

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