Therapy Services

Speech & Occupational Therapy

Speech Therapy

Students work daily on improving their speech, language, and social pragmatic skills. Additionally, in speech therapy, we focus on improving all aspects of communication. Our goal is to help students form necessary relationships and increase function in day-to-day life. Some of our Speech Therapy goals include:

  • Forming relationships with peers;A+ Austism Academy
  • Communicating wants and needs, both verbally and nonverbally;
  • Initiating communication with a communicative partner;
  • Demonstrating an understanding of social pragmatic skills; AND
  • Developing skills needed to engage in reciprocal conversation.

Occupational Therapy

Students work daily on improving their motor skills. In OT, we focus mainly on functional skills needed in everyday settings.

Some of our Occupational Therapy goals at our autism school include:

  • Perform functional tasks that require motor skills;
  • Provide sensory activities that promote development in required areas;
  • Develop sensory diets and accommodations as needed for our students; AND
  • Partner with teachers to promote the most effective programming for students