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autism academy tuition

Autism News Round-Up: The Power of Local News Stories

February 26, 2014
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Typically during our weekly round-up of the biggest autism-related news stories of the week, we focus on national stories; whether it be new research, a breakthrough in treatment, or tools to reduce its symptoms. We tend to look at national news and overlook the countless local news stories that pop up every week, each often…

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autism academy tuition

Autism and Culture: Relationships, Murals, and the “Autism Express”

February 19, 2014
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Following a similar lead as our weekly news round-up, in celebration of Autism Awareness Month, we are taking a look throughout the month at some of the smaller, less newsworthy stories that are just as important and affecting as the news on Page One. This week, we take a look into the world of dating…

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Autism in the News: Diminished Cancer Rates, Brain Scans, and Backpacks

February 12, 2014
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First up in our weekly news roundup, a story that stands in direct opposition to one we ran a few weeks back: contrary to a recent report citing increased risk of cancer amongst those with autism, a new study is claiming that individuals diagnosed with autism are 66% less likely to get cancer in their…

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Better Understanding Autism’s History to Plot It’s Future

February 12, 2014
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While it might not always have its on section in your local Barnes & Noble, autism as a subject of study and advice had kept hundreds of books on the subject in publication for decades. We’ve taken a close look at a couple of the more scholarly tracts here—including the work of Temple Grandin and…

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Autism News Round-Up: B12, Gender Variance, and Low-Cost Services

February 5, 2014
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In this week’s autism news round-up, we scour the web to find the newest and most exciting autism-related news stories, including autism’s relationship with gender variance, the role of B12 in autism and schizophrenia, and how a new donation to the University of Northern Texas will help that area’s citizens with autism to gain access…

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Autism News Round-Up: New Words, Optimism, and Patience

January 19, 2014
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This week we’re looking at three new studies that go a long way towards adding much more nuance to our understanding of how children and individuals with autism learn new words and process optimism. Furthermore, we look at a remarkable new study that has developed mice without an autism-related genetic aberration present. First up, a…

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