Shannon Mitchell

Shannon Mitchell

Shannon Mitchell, M.ED, has worked with students with Autism and multiple disabilities for the last 20+ years within the school and home settings in Arizona. She received her undergraduate degree from Arizona State University in Communication with minors in Business and Child Development. After working as a Child Development Specialist for Easter Seals of Arizona, and as an in-home habilitation therapist and trainer, Shannon desired to learn more and returned to school. She received her teaching certificate in a Post-Baccalaureate program from Scottsdale Community College. While teaching full-time as a Self-Contained Autism teacher and conducting training for habilitation families, she began to further her education again at Northern Arizona University. Within a year and a half, Shannon received her Master's in Special Education along with certification as an Autism Support Specialist from NAU. Shannon has had extensive training and experience in different modalities of teaching including ABA, TEACCH, PBIS, SCERTS, and behavioral/social skills support. Shannon continues to gain further education in the field of Autism with classes and conferences each year to stay current in the field.

Shannon has been with the Autism Academy since its opening in 2013 with just 22 students enrolled at one campus. There are now currently over 750 students enrolled throughout 5 campuses and an online school with many of the classes on wait lists. The growth at Autism Academy has been tremendous and Shannon’s leadership and vision has played a pivotal role in it’s growth and also the goal of providing quality education for children with autism. The schools now employes over 300 employees district-wide working to ensure that each student’s needs at Autism Academy are being met. Shannon has a deep passion for students and their capability of being successful, respectful, and contributing members of society. Shannon believes that high expectations from leaders, teachers and families are key to student achievement and success in life. In her free time, she likes spending time with her husband and son.